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Our School

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to Gayle Sloan Middle School!  Allow me to be the first to inform you that our 2024-2025 school year theme is “Mission Possible!” With this year’s renaming of our school and its dedication–as well as with the implementation of the “Leader In Me” initiative–we truly believe that when all stakeholders work together as a team, the mission of expanding student leadership and advancing student achievement is POSSIBLE!  We therefore invite you to partner with us as we embark on this exciting new adventure to make all goals possible.  When the student, the school, and the student’s caregiver(s) collectively share in the responsibility of the educational experience, it generates positive growth and vastly increases the likelihood for strong character development for this pupil.  Parental/ caregiver involvement is an integral part of any student’s success, and it is for this reason that we encourage you to take advantage of the many partnership opportunities we offer on our campus.   

At GSMS, we believe in providing educational experiences that challenge and inspire the WHOLE child. Our dedicated faculty, staff, and administration hold high expectations not only for our precious students, but for ourselves as well.  This year, our school will dive deeper into the implementation of the “Leader in Me” initiative, which emerges largely from Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The primary takeaway when applied to education is the encouragement it provides to all students and staff members to rise to the occasion, and strive to be leaders.  For this reason, our goal is to foster a campus climate and culture where all stakeholders have a voice, and consequently, thrive as leaders.

We are looking forward to an amazing inaugural year as Gayle Sloan Middle School…where all missions are possible!

Your partner in education,

Amanda Keller, Principal 

Our Mission

Gayle Sloan Middle School strives for academic success by developing the whole self, maintaining a growth mindset, and creating an atmosphere of support and inclusivity with all stakeholders.