Policies and Procedures
Student Handbook
Acknowledgement Form
School Information
Mandeville Middle School
2525 Soult Street
Mandeville, LA 70448
School Phone – 985-626-8778
School Fax – 985-626-1640
Cafeteria – 985-626-5909
Amanda Keller, M. Ed. – Principal
Amy Barnes, M. Ed. -- Assistant Principal
Tonya Shoupe, M. Ed – Technology Resource Teacher
School Hours
7:30 – 2:41
School Colors: Navy Blue and Yellow
Mascot: Seagull
2024-2025 Theme: MISSION POSSIBLE!
Principal Message
Dear Parents and Guardians:
The faculty and staff welcome you and your children to Gayle Sloan Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year. At Gayle Sloan Middle School, we believe in Building our habits today......Becoming great LEADERS tomorrow.
Students, parents, and teachers all share in the educational development of the student. Parental involvement in the process is a key component to providing effective educational opportunities that will allow your child to fully develop his/her potential. We urge you to be involved in our school, talk with your child about what he/she is learning, and communicate with the teachers and me. Your ideas and suggestions can make meaningful contributions toward improving Gayle Sloan Middle School.
The Student and Parent Handbook is designed to provide information about school policies and procedures for helping ensure a safe and caring school environment where all students have the opportunity to learn and grow. Please refer to the handbook throughout the year.
We are eager to work with you and your child. Working hand in hand with you and your child will be exciting and rewarding, and together we can achieve much success. With your cooperation and participation, we will continue to be a school of excellence. Our theme this year, MISSION POSSIBLE. With the renaming of our school and implementation of the Leader in ME initiative, we truly believe that as all stakeholders work together as a team, the mission of growing student leaders and increasing student achievement is POSSIBLE! We invite you to partner with us as we take on this mission, making all goals possible.
If you have questions about this handbook or other school issues during the course of the year, please contact me. We strive to maintain open communication with parents and welcome your comments, questions, and involvement.
Amanda Keller
Mission Statement and Philosophy
Gayle Sloan Middle School strives for academic success by developing the whole self, maintaining a growth mindset, and creating an atmosphere of support and inclusivity with all stakeholders.
The goal of the faculty and staff of Gayle Sloan Middle School is to meet the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs of our students. We are committed to high standards of academic achievement for all students. This commitment extends to all subjects of the core curriculum, including reading, writing, grammar, spelling, mathematics, science, social studies, technology, the arts, and physical education. The development of higher order thinking, with an emphasis on problem solving and creativity, is essential to preparing our students to be productive citizens in our rapidly changing, technological society. Our goal is to teach in a manner that will educate and motivate all students regardless of background, ability, developmental level, or learning style.
Through the implementation of the Leader In Me initiative, we encourage our students to become productive citizens who are responsible, cooperative, self-disciplined, and self-motivated. Our purpose is to develop and grow student leaders, while affirming each child’s sense of self-worth. Gayle Sloan Middle School strives to provide an atmosphere of trust, acceptance, discipline, love, and respect. Our goal is to instill within our students an appreciation for and acceptance of all individuals in a safe haven of learning.
The public school system is the basic institution for the formal education of our youth. The staff of Gayle Sloan Middle School recognizes, understands, and respects both the responsibilities and opportunities that accompany this role. We acknowledge the immeasurable value of strong parental involvement and commit ourselves to joint cooperation with each family. We pledge ourselves to excellence in successfully fulfilling these obligations to the children of our community.
Important Information for Parents and Students
- Absenteeism/Tardiness/Check-Out
- Band, Chorus, and ORFF Ensemble
- Birthdays/Celebrations
- Breakfast and Lunches
- Bullying-Type Behaviors/Threats
- Bus
- Car Line/Student Pick-up and Drop-Off
- Cell Phone Policy
- Chromebooks
- Classroom Management Policy
- Conferences
- Counselor
- Dress Code
- Drills
- Emergency Cards
- Field Trips
- Grades
- Homework Policy
- Illness at School
- JPAMS Student Progress Center
- Library
- Lost and Found
- Mandated Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Education and Reporting Program
- McKinney-Vento Act
- Medication In Schools
- Mental Health Provider
- Messages
- Parental Involvement
- Positive Choices Support
- Pets
- Restroom Policy
- School Withdrawal Procedures
- Security
- Student ID Policy
- Student Responsibilities
- Textbooks
- Toys
- Visitor Authorization Policy
- Weapons Policy
- Websites
All students are required to attend school regularly. According to the Louisiana Department of Education, beginning in the fall of 2010, students are allowed ten absences each school year for elementary students. There are also rules that apply to these absences. Absences considered extenuating, such as personal illness or serious illness in the family, must be validated by a note from a medical practitioner to prevent their being counted within the ten allowed absences. Additional extenuating absences include those which occur due to a death in the family, observance of religious celebrations, and mandated court appearances, all of which must be validated by a written excuse note from a caregiver along with appropriate documentation. Other student absences may be validated according to St. Tammany Parish School Board policy with a written excuse note from a caregiver, but these absences are considered non-extenuating and will accumulate toward the maximum ten days allowed. Excuse notes for absences must be presented to the school principal or designee within two days of the student’s return to school.
The guidelines do not allow students to be excused for vacations or other family trips. You will need to make an effort to schedule vacations and necessary appointments during school breaks. The current school year calendar for the school system is posted on our website at www.stpsb.org.
School Board officials send letters to parents when absences are a matter of concern. If parents have contacted the school and documented extenuating absences, no other action is necessary.
Students must make up work missed due to excused absences. The student is responsible for making arrangements with the teachers to make up all assignments as soon as the student returns to school. If your child misses only a day or two, the work can be made up upon return to school. If the absence is extended, you will need to contact the school (if the student is able to study at home) and arrange to pick up assignments. This must be done 24 hours after contact is made at the end of the following school day. Google Classroom provides an additional way for students to keep up with work missed during absences. (Please note that Google Meet is not intended for use for each individual student absences nor is there an expectation for teachers to provide such each time a student is absent.)
Arriving on time daily for school helps begin a child's day positively, preventing a child from feeling rushed or out of step with the class. Chronic tardiness is disruptive and short-changes a student’s learning opportunities. Tardiness also establishes poor work habits that can continue throughout life. Therefore, tardiness is treated seriously. State law requires that you have students in school on time. If your child is not on campus and inside of the school building by 7:30 a.m., the student will be marked as TARDY. If your child is excessively tardy within a grading period, you will be contacted for a conference with the administration.
When a parent finds it necessary to check a student out early from school, the parent must come into the office to sign out the student. The parent also needs to present official identification to the office workers to be verified against the student’s emergency information. Your child will only be released to persons listed on the child’s emergency card. These measures are for the safety of your child. To minimize the loss of instructional time, parents should not call ahead to have a student waiting in the office for check-out. Parents are strongly encouraged to avoid checking students out after 2:15 p.m.
Parents requesting a change in their child’s transportation home must do so in writing. The request must be submitted to the school office at least 24 hours in advance.
Band, Chorus, and ORFF Ensemble
BIRTHDAYS / CELEBRATIONS: Birthdays are special times for children and their families and friends. Cards or invitations, if given, must be given to everyone in the class. If you wish to send treats, balloons, etc., please coordinate with your child’s teacher. Items may be left in the school office for sharing with your child and his/her classmates near the end of the school day. We welcome you to enjoy lunch with your child that day. As another alternative, the GSMS library has a birthday program in which a book may be purchased and donated to the school library in the child’s name. A staff member makes a short visit to the classroom to wish the child a happy birthday and present a special bookmark. Please contact the school librarian about the program if you are interested in making a lasting contribution in your child’s name. There will be one class social in December just before the Winter Break.
Breakfast and Lunches
BREAKFAST & LUNCHES: A full breakfast is available to all students from 7:00 a.m. to 7:25 a.m. daily. Each grade level has its own lunch time:
4th Grade 10:35 a.m.
5th Grade 11:20 a.m.
6th Grade 12:15 p.m.
Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child; however lunch guests are not allowed at recess. Please check in at the office before going to the cafeteria. For the safety of our students, anyone joining a student for lunch must be on the child’s emergency card. If you are bringing your child’s lunch to school, please place it on the cart in the foyer and write your child’s name on the lunch as well as on the white board.
Bullying-Type Behaviors/Threats
BULLYING-TYPE BEHAVIORS/THREATS: There will be zero tolerance in dealing with bullying-type behavior or threatening words or actions toward students, faculty, or staff. Students need to report to an adult on campus any incidents of this nature because the school cannot address issues of which we are unaware. Parents should contact the school administration to make any reports regarding bullying activity. E-mail amanda.keller@stpsb.org or call the school at 985-626-8778. For further information refer to the STPSB District Handbook for Students and Parents and to the School-wide Discipline Plan within this handbook.
BUS: Transportation to and from school by school bus is available to most students. Please refer to the BUS GUIDELINES that will be given to your child by the bus driver. Please help our drivers by returning the attached information form promptly to the driver. In order to help ensure the safety of all students, parents are strongly encouraged to discuss with their child the following bus guidelines and basic rules:
Arrive at your bus stop in a timely manner.
Always follow the instructions of the bus driver.
Remain completely seated and face the front of the bus.
Keep hands and feet to one’s self.
Talk in a low tone of voice and never use unacceptable language.
To help ensure bus safety and avoid overcrowding, students must have permission to ride a bus other than their assigned bus. *Students who wish to ride another bus must present to the office a dated note signed by a parent/legal guardian at least one day in advance. This note must state the rider’s name and bus number. Presenting such a note does not guarantee the privilege of riding another bus. This privilege is not to be used to transport children to team practices, lessons, or tryouts. If a bus is at its capacity, students who do not normally ride this bus will not be allowed to ride even with permission from the parent. The student will be allowed to call home to make other arrangements.
If a child’s behavior while on the bus is endangering the safety of others or interferes with the driver’s ability to operate the bus safely, the parent will be contacted. Bus removal is a possible consequence.
BUS RIDERS and DISCIPLINE: Please refer to the “Safe Procedures for School Bus Riders” pamphlet for specific safe riding practices. Bus drivers give this pamphlet to students/parents at the beginning of each school year. Bus discipline infractions are submitted to administration by the bus driver. Discipline consequences are assigned based on the student’s misconduct. Examples of discipline consequences include: parent contact, detention, recess detention, In-School Support, suspension from bus, suspension, removal from bus.
**Administration reserves the right to suspend a student from riding the bus depending upon the severity of the offense.
Car Line/Student Pick-up and Drop-Off
CAR LINE / STUDENT PICK-UP and DROP-OFF: The school day at MMS begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 2:41 p.m. Students may not arrive on campus prior to 7 a.m. or remain after 2:50 p.m. Students should be checked out no later than 2:15 p.m. All car traffic that enters Gayle Sloan Middle School grounds during the morning drop-off (7:00 a.m. – 7:25 a.m.) and afternoon dismissal (2:41 p.m.) must enter through the Gayle Sloan Middle School front circle entrance on Soult Street. All vehicles should use the center lane as a stacking lane. Vehicles should not block other lanes or driveways as these areas are needed for bus traffic. The car line will begin moving through the front horseshoe after the 7 a.m. bell rings and the duty teacher is on duty. Vehicles should proceed through the horseshoe to drop off or pick up student(s). Students should be ready to exit the vehicle immediately. No students may be picked up or dropped off in the bus loading and unloading area. For the safety of everyone, please cooperate with these traffic flow instructions and with the crossing guard. The process will move more smoothly and quickly if you utilize the student name placard provide to your child on his/her first day.
For after school activities, the location as to where students will be picked up will vary. Parents will recieve notification from after school activity club sponsors on where pick up will occur.
Quail Creek Residents: Students who live in Quail Creek have the opportunity to walk or ride bikes to and from school. Entrance is through the back gate. Students enter in the morning by walking or walking their bikes through the rear gate and across the rear yard to the area where students gather. In the afternoon, a duty teacher monitors students exiting. The duty teacher leaves the area once all students are off of school property. Due to safety issues, no other students may walk or ride bikes to and from school.
A permission form will be sent home with students who walk or ride bikes to and from Quail Creek.
In the instance of inclement weather, Quail Creek walkers/bike riders MUST be picked up in carline. We will notify parents via email and/or JPAMS robotext for these special and unexpected situations .
Cell Phone Policy
CELL PHONE POLICY: Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, no student shall possess, on his/her person, an electronic device throughout the instructional day. If a student brings a device on public elementary or secondary school campus during the instructional day, the electronic device shall either be turned off and properly stowed away for the duration of the instructional day. All electronic devices are prohibited from being turned on and used during the instructional day.
Stowing electronics inside of garmenet pockets is no longer acceptable under new law.
CHROMEBOOKS: Students will be issued a Chromebook and charger at the beginning of the school year once a Chromebook Use Agreement Form is signed and turned into the school. These agreements are sent home with each student on the first day of student attendance. You may also review the Chromebook Use Agreement Form available on our website.
Classroom Management Policy
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT POLICY: Each teacher has a classroom management policy. The expectations and rewards are posted in each classroom. Also, a classroom management plan is sent home with each student the first week of school for your signature. Every teacher at Gayle Sloan Middle School follows this procedure.
CONFERENCES: Parent-teacher conferences are helpful to the student and enhance his/her chances for success. The principal and assistant principal are available to all parents. Since much of their time is spent supervising instruction and counseling students, a prearranged appointment will ensure you the opportunity to meet with them. The administration strongly encourages parents to contact/meet with a teacher prior to requesting a conference with an administrator.
Dress Code
DRESS: Gayle Sloan Middle School uniforms follow all guidelines of the St. Tammany Parish School Board Dress Code. View the STPPS Uniform Policy
TOPS: GSMS LOGO or PLAIN white or navy collared polo style shirts, long or short sleeves are to be worn. Students may also wear the navy GSMS logo t-shirts or polo's sold by the PTA. Only solid, white, grey, or black under shirts may be worn underneath the unifrom shirt.
BOTTOMS: Pants/Shorts/Skorts/Skirts only are to be worn. Shorts, skorts, and skirts must adhere to the length stated in the STTPS student dress code. The color is solid khaki only (no stripes, designs, etc.). There must be a hem at the bottom and cannot be frayed or torn. Leggings may be worn under uniform bottoms. Leggings must be SOLID white, black, navy, or gray only with no designs.
Students are not permitted to wear any uniform tops or bottoms that fit tightly. All uniform tops and bottoms must be traditional fit, not skinny fit nor excessively loose/baggy. We recognize that our students are growing children, and we ask our parents to make any needed uniform purchases with that in mind. Please refer to the St. Tammany Parish School Board Dress Code Policy stated in the system handbook.
Shoes: Shoes should follow the STPSB Dress Code Guidelines. We strongly suggest that students wear athletic type shoes for their safety, and tennis shoes are mandatory for P.E. days. All shoes, including crocs, must have a heel strap to prevent the foot from sliding out. “Flip flop” type sandals, shoes with heels, and cleats are not school appropriate shoes and must not be worn for safety reasons.
Other school shirts - Student of the Month, band, club, spirit, etc., shirts may be worn on Fridays.
FIRE/WEATHER/LOCKDOWN: Emergency evacuation routes and procedures are clearly posted in each room of the school. Employees are familiar with and responsible for making students familiar with emergency evacuation procedures. Drills are conducted in accordance with St. Tammany Parish School Board Policy. Please review with your child the importance of taking all drills seriously in the event a real crisis occurs.
Emergency Cards
EMERGENCY CARDS: Each student must turn in an emergency information card to the school office during the first week of school. This card will be filed in the school office. The card must include phone numbers (home and cell) to call in case of emergency. No one will be allowed to check out a student unless named on the emergency card. Parents are asked to update information with any changes in case you are needed in the event of an emergency. All changes must be made in person. Students are only allowed to have one emergency card.
Field Trips
FIELD TRIPS: The school may offer educational activities during the year that involve leaving the school grounds. When we have these activities, all school rules are enforced, regardless of the location or type of activity. When such an activity is planned, a letter with the details is sent home well in advance. For your child to attend any of these activities, you must sign and return the the permission slip and pay for the cost of the trip BY THE DEADLINE STATED IN THE LETTER. Handwritten notes cannot be accepted. If it is not possible for you to pay for the trip by the deadline, an extension may be granted if the teacher is contacted and notified of your intention to pay at a later date. Bag lunches are provided by the cafeteria if the event is held during the lunch period and if requested on the permission slip.
Parents may request to chaperone field trips. Other children may not accompany parents on the trip. Students must travel on the school bus on field trips. Chaperones are not allowed to ride on buses. Please remember that as a chaperone your purpose is to supervise a group of assigned students.
Parents wishing to take students home directly from field trips must sign them out in the school office before the trip departs from school. The parent will be given a release form that is to be given to the teacher in order to allow the teacher to release the student. The student may not rejoin the group after leaving the activity.
Cell phones, cameras, and other electronic devices are not permitted on field trips. Chaperones are asked not to use phones while supervising students.
GRADES: HB 424 was recently signed by the governor and has become Act 428. Act 428 requires each public school governing authority to use a uniform 10-point grading scale. The following uniform grading policy will be in effect for the school year 2024-2025. Please refer to the St. Tammany Parish Student and Parent Handbook for further information on pupil progression.
- A 100-90
- B 89-80
- C 79-70
- D 69-60
- F 59-0
Assessment of performance will be done in compliance with School Board policy. Graded papers will be sent home once a week on the day specified by the teacher. If you do not receive papers, contact your child’s teacher. The grade recorded in JPAMS is the official grade. If you believe a grade has been recorded erroneously or a paper has a grade error, you must present the relevant paper to your child’s teacher.
Homework Policy
HOMEWORK POLICY: We believe that support from home is critical to student academic success. Homework is meant to be an extension of the day’s lessons and to offer students an opportunity to reinforce key skills and concepts. Individual teachers will review homework policies at Open House held soon after school begins.
Illness at School
ILLNESS AT SCHOOL: The parent will be contacted if the child shows any sign of illness. In cases involving any injury to the neck or head, the parent will be contacted immediately and the decision to pick up the child is determined by the parent. In terms of pre-existing injuries that have already received attention, parents are encouraged to remind children there is no need to seek additional care from the school office. Many students use this as an excuse to leave class, causing them to miss valuable instructional time.
JPAMS Student Progress Center
JPAMS STUDENT PROGRESS CENTER: Our parent portal – The Student Progress Center – is a website designed to help parents and guardians keep track of their child’s attendance, conduct, discipline, grades, progress reports and high school transcript information. This information can be found at https://jpams.stpsb.org/jpweb. This system is also used to send recorded messages to you as reminders or in case of an emergency.
LIBRARY: Payment for lost books is based on the current list price of books in print. If a student has an overdue book, he/she may not check out additional books from the library until the fine is paid and the book returned.
Library check-out privileges are restored when students have either returned lost books or negotiated a settlement with the librarian and/or principal.
The librarian makes written notification regarding lost books to the parents of students. Written notifications are given at least once each nine weeks when report cards are sent home. The notification may accompany the report card or it may be mailed separately.
Lost and Found
LOST AND FOUND: Lost articles should be sent to the Lost and Found. Students should also check with their classroom teachers. Unmarked articles usually go unclaimed. Parents and students should see that everything a student brings to school is clearly labeled. All students are responsible for their own belongings. Books, book bags, and purses should NOT be left unattended on the playground. Students should NOT bring valuable items to school. The school will not be responsible for items lost or stolen at school.
Mandated Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Education and Reporting Program
MANDATED CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE PREVENTION EDUCATION AND REPORTING PROGRAM: As mandated by the St. Tammany Parish School Board, students in grades K-8 receive instruction on the topic of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Education and Reporting. All materials that are used in the instruction may be previewed by contacting the school administration. We encourage you to talk with your child about this topic, as well as other general safety issues.
McKinney-Vento Act
THE McKINNEY-VENTO HOMELESS ASSISTANCE ACT: This authorizes the federal Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) Program and requires LEAs to identify and provide services to students who meet the definition of homeless.
McKinney-Vento Definition of Homeless: individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence including children and youth who...
- are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason
- are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations
- are living in an emergency or transitional shelter
- have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designated for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings
- are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings
The goals of the STPPS Kids in Transition program is to eliminate any barriers that might inhibit the full participation in education of transitional students.
Medication In Schools
Students are not allowed to have prescription or non-prescription medications of any kind in their possession on the school grounds. This includes cough drops, eye drops, etc. If medication of any kind is found on the student, administration will take disciplinary action.
To assure school attendance for students who must use medication in the treatment of chronic disabilities or illness, the parent is responsible for notifying the school of any abnormalities in the health of their children. When such a condition exists, the following policies will be followed.
A. Any student who is required to take medication during the regular school
day must comply with school regulations.
These regulations include at least the following:
1. Written statement from physician and/or parent detailing the name
of drug, dosage, and time intervals medication is to be taken.
2. Written request and permission from the parent or guardian of the
student requesting that the school district comply with the physician’s order.
3. Medication must be brought to school by the parent in a container
appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician.
4. Over-the-counter medications (non-prescription medications) are to be
handled in the same manner as prescription medications.
B. For the well-being of the child, effective communication among the school, parents, school nurse, and physician is very important. Parents are urged to maintain close contact with the school the child’s illness.
Mental Health Provider
MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDER: Our school has a full-time mental health provider who is available to assist students and parents with the challenges of and adjustments to middle school, as well as other needs. The MHP works closely with the counselor and provides individual and small group support. The MHP may be contacted by calling the school office and leaving a message.
Parental Involvement
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT: It is the philosophy of Gayle Sloan Middle School that we are partners, along with all of our stakeholders, in the education of our students. We encourage and expect parents to be an active part of the school culture and to maintain frequent, ongoing communication with teachers and administration. Numerous opportunities are available to assist teachers and staff as a volunteer, serve on school committees, serve as resource speakers or otherwise be actively involved in the everyday function of GSMS. We invite parents to be a part of our PTA and join in the meetings held throughout the school year. There are many opportunities for parents to get involved in their child’s education and participate in numerous events scheduled throughout the year.
Positive Choices Support
Gayle Sloan Middle School, in an effort to promote the positive leader within all students, has developed a schoolwide plan that will benefit all students and staff. This plan includes measures to recognize positive choices, as well as, preventative measures to make our school safe and enjoyable. Our number one goal is safety, while also promoting a positive learning environment where all students feel safe and secure.
Rewards and Recognition:
Classroom Rewards:
Each teacher maintains a classroom management plan with specific rules, routines, rewards and consequences.
School-Wide Student Rewards and Reinforcements:
A variety of rewards and recognition will be used school-wide to acknowledge students making positive choices. These include:
- Seagull Slips: Seagull slips are used school-wide and can be earned anywhere on campus or on the bus by anyone on campus as acknowledgement of students making positive choices.
- Quarterly Seagull Celebration: Students demonstrating positive behavior that meets established criteria during the nine weeks will be invited to attend the Seagull Celebration held during the last week of each nine weeks. Students may use Seagull Slips at these celebrations to purchase snacks and enter drawings to win prizes.
Restroom Policy
School Withdrawal Procedures
When withdrawing a student from Gayle Sloan Middle School, please check to see what library books and textbooks your child has signed out in his/her name. Please contact the school office several days prior to withdrawing the child, as this allows the staff and teachers time to complete the necessary paperwork. Student Chromebooks and chargers must also be returned or parents are responsible for full payment for a replacement. Your cooperation will save you time and money in avoiding lost fees and it ensures that records can be sent without delay.
Security cameras are currently installed throughout our campus. The cameras have been installed in strategic areas and monitor our school campus 7 days per week / 24 hours per day. Also, all exterior doors are locked at all times. Any visitors to campus should request access via the intercom system at the front office school entrance to be allowed in.
Student ID Policy
Students will be issued a Gayle Sloan Middle School ID card which must be worn daily. ID’s are bar coded and will be used to enter selected exterior school doors, to obtain meals in the cafeteria, and for general identification purposes. If a student misplaces his/her ID, a temporary ID will be issued. If a student loses his/her ID, he/she will be issued a new one for a fee of $5. If a third ID has to be made, the fee increases to $10. The old ID will be deactivated. Students may not write on, draw on, or deface the ID card in any fashion. Misuse of the ID, including loaning or borrowing an ID, is subject to disciplinary action as per STPSB discipline policy.
Student Responsibilities
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: At Gayle Sloan Middle School, we believe that our students benefit from learning to be responsible for their own belongings. Any class assignments, materials, Chromebooks (fully charged) and textbooks are to be brought to class on time. Chromebooks are to be charged at home each night to ensure they will be in working condition for the school day. If the Chromebook is charged overnight, the charge should last the entire school day. To support us in our effort to teach responsibility to our students, parents are not allowed to bring work, books, etc. to students during the school day. Make-up work must be completed when returning from any absence. Students will be allowed three days following their return to school to turn in make-up work.
Visitor Authorization Policy
VISITOR AUTHORIZATION POLICY: Gayle Sloan Middle School welcomes parents and others to visit our school campus. The procedures below are intended to ensure that such visitations not interfere with the smooth operation of the school and the safety of students and personnel, and that visitors comply with state laws governing visitors on school grounds. Parental visits to the school help the positive growth of GSMS. For security reasons, we do require anyone visiting our school to check in at the office upon entering the school. Visitors will be asked to show their driver’s licenses for check-in. Anyone wishing to observe in a classroom must receive permission from Mrs. Keller and be willing to sign a confidentiality statement. All visitors must be listed on the particular child’s emergency card.
- No one is allowed on school grounds without authority of the principal or designee.
- All visitors must report to the administrative office immediately upon arrival. The purpose of the visit and destination within the building must be stated to the principal or designee. The principal or designee may/may not grant permission to visit within the school building.
- All visitors will be asked to show identification and will be given an official visitor identification badge.
- Visitors will report only to those areas of the school for which permission has been granted. This includes grandparents’ day, awards nights, etc.
- All visitors must return the official visitor identification badge to the administrative office upon leaving.
- All visitors must depart the building and grounds as soon as their official business is completed.
- Because of the high priority we place on school security, we ask that all visitor procedures be followed. Failure to comply with these procedures may result in the penalties provided by the La. Ref. State. 17:416.8
Weapons Policy
WEAPONS POLICY: Students found using, possessing and/or concealing a knife (including pocket knives), a firearm, a weapon which may discharge a projectile, or other dangerous instruments which may cause bodily harm shall be immediately suspended and recommended for expulsion. We will notify police immediately. Students using, possessing, and/or concealing any look-alike object that may have the appearance of a weapon or dangerous instrument will be immediately suspended from school and recommended for expulsion. Upon the recommendation for the expulsion, the Superintendent or his designee will conduct a hearing. Students in grade five or lower who are found, in the hearing process, to have used, possessed, and/or concealed a weapon or look-alike weapon shall be disciplined according to the decision made by the Superintendent or his designee. The Superintendent will refer any case involving a student in grade five or lower found in possession of a firearm on school property to the School Board with a recommendation for action. Students in grades six or higher who are found, in the hearing process, to have used, possessed, and/or concealed a weapon, or look-alike weapon will be expelled from the school system for a period of not less than 12 calendar months.
WEBSITES: Our school website can be found at https://sloanmiddle.stpsb.org/ Important dates, events, lunch menus, etc. may be found here. Links to other educational sites can also be found on our webpage. Noted here are three important resources the state has asked us to include for you.
Louisiana State Department of Education https://www.louisianabelieves.com/
State Library of Louisiana: http://homeworkla.org/
St. Tammany Parish Library: https://www.sttammanylibrary.org/learning-tools/homework-help/?_ga=2.213714388.1722592516.1611175009-1152565700.1580405775
Please refer to the STPSB District Handbook for Students and Parents for additional information on policies and procedures.